Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Genre

   In the 80’s, the world of film and radio came together to hit the American tv. We now know that station as MTV (Music Television). MTV limited specific genres of music videos, specifically focusing on pop/rock music videos. As you know from the last post, 106 & Park, the primary network music video show, is aired on BET. In contrast to MTV, BET (Black Entertainment Television) was created in attempt replace MTV’s failure to play african american music videos during the early years of its launch. This is what establishes 106 & Park’s genre. In the case of the research done, genre becomes important because it can be linked to the demographics of individuals who consume certain genres of music. It would be naïve to assume that those who listened to rap in the 1980s would have turned to MTV to watch videos, when MTV was known for having very few or no Black musicians.
    5 days a week, 106 & Park show the most popular urban/hip-hop videos. Designed to prove the advertisers who felt that “black videos” would not reach a wide enough audience wrong.
   With 75% of African-American viewers ages 18 through 24, 106 & Park attempts to close the rift that existed between black music videos and the availability of these music videos to its target audience. The target audience for 106 & Park is teenagers and young adults who are interested in popular music. The airs before 9pm so viewers know that the show will not involve adult themes. This ties in with the target audience as the language they use will be suitable for some younger viewers who may tune in to watch the show. 106 & Park goes to show that certain genres are not only linked to different demographics but they are also linked to different cultures.


  1. Great post. I really like the way that you put in the BET Networks ratings in to explain the viewership of the station.

  2. Very good blog post, I like how you incorporated the facts about BET into this it showed me something I never knew but great job applying the genre concept to your topic.

  3. 106&Park obviously knows its specific genre and how to keep it functioning on television. It's good they have a home on BET but I think it's a little unfair that a genre was forced off a station just because it wasn't as popular. I noticed this at the Grammy awards just a few days ago. My favorite bands will never be present there just because a larger demographic does not approve of them.

  4. Wow, I didn't know that BET was created because of MTV's lack of african american music. You made a lot of great points in your genre analysis. I really wasn't aware this was happening, that MTV was in a way discriminating against certain musicians in order to please to a larger demographic. Even though it makes sense that they would, because certain people will not listen to music that is not considered popular.
